Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Go grow, evolve, and be Happy

I recently had a statement made that lead me to thinking. The statement was: "all wives have their down side mine just happens to be....."

As a wife my instinct was.. maybe that's true we can't  all be perfect but does that mean we so willingly give up and make no attempt to try? Do we throw our hand up and say "oh well that's just not me!" 

As a woman who is happily married I am constantly trying to improve and evolve. I think it's required as people . We are constantly changing and evolving so why should I not attempt to evolve and grow in my marriage. 

Ex: Jacob told me one day how frustrating it is to find my shoes in random places all through the house so I now make a conscience effort to put them away. I could have said "I've don't it all my life it's just one of my down falls don't expect it to change just because you married me." But out of love and the vows I made, I make an effort. 

Marriage is a constant effort. It's a choice to stay in love. Anyone can say I'm unhappy. Lysa TerKeurst tells us that our mood and overall happiness is a choice. We choose to be happy. (Unglued) So today and always I will choose to evolve, grow, and be happy! 

So wives next time your husband makes mention of something frustrating make an effort to please him. He will notice, he may not say it but his happiness will. He'll be more willing to take notice in the things that make you unhappy. Therefore; making you both better parents and mates. 

So wives go... Go grow.. Go evolve... Go Be happy in The Lord and your marriage.

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