Thursday, July 24, 2014

50 what???

Okay girls... Let's hash this out. I know I feel gasp erupting every where  that I'm blogging so close together! But really let's talk about this... Why do we drool and make a big deal over Magic Mike or 50 Shades of Grey when we've got something way better than Christian Grey at home! 

It's a strange concept to me. I will admit I have seen movies like these if not these movies. But.. Stop the judgment train right here.. I will be the first to tell you no man in that film compares to my husband. Yes,  they may have six packs that can only be airbrushed on the cover or a magazine but my man... He's the definition of good looking. You see good looks aren't just about a six pack, a V, and arms that could choke a python. His good looks are so much more. 

This is how I define good looks:
A loyal worker and provider. Some days he doesn't hang his boots up till midnight. Or at all that night.  Often He comes home unrecogniseable  from the days work. He's no stranger to a quick shower to help with the dinner. There's nothing better looking than seeing your daughter in his arms. Or see her and him chasing the dog. Or a dad teaching his little girl to walk. Nothing  looks better than a man willing to stop what he's doing and play tea party with his little girl. There's nothing more attractive than a man cutting the grass after he's worked all day. Or praying over your daughter as he rocks her to sleep. Or folding the laundry because you didn't get to it. Truthfully, nothing better than seeing your man with your kid! 

Sure Christian Grey is easy on the eyes but he doesn't hold a candle to a hard working, loving, and loyal husband of mine! So girls while your all drooling over 50 Shades don't forget to tell your hubby/boyfriend/ fiancé he doesn't hold a candle to them! Men need to feel loved too! They need to know what they are is 10xs better than anything Hollywood can create. 

We constantly complaining that Hollywood gives women unattainable expectations but had anyone every stopped to see how they portray a "hot" man? 

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