Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Can I really tell God I'm angry with him?

As I have mentioned before I am reading the devotional "Unglued." And as usual tonight devotional hit my in the gut like Mike Tyson. 

Tonight's blog was on trusting God. Trusting God for his will, your future, and in general. When trusting God and plans don't go as you see fit and you worry, it's okay to tell God your angry... He can handle it. He created you. He can totally take on your raw emotions. 

Photo credit:Google Images

I think we feel the need to sugar coat thing with God because we think we should be a saint when we approach him. Same way we feel that we should approach people we hold at high regard. For example: bosses, pastor, church members, decans. I have to disagree with this. God made us. He knows our flesh. He knows our raw emotions. Plus God says he knows our hearts. He knows when were "changing our tune" to appeal to him. Unlike people he loves us unconditionally and can take on our anger without taking it personally. He knows we're not capable of seeing eternally. We are only capable of seeing in weeks or days.

When I find myself worrying about the future or angry that live isn't as I have planned I am quickly reminded it's okay to tell him. With that said, accept his answers. Trust his answers. He can handle your raw feeling but can you handle his raw answers... Or better yet his silence? 

Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him,and he will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:5-6

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