Sunday, May 4, 2014

Mothers Day

Mother's Day is quickly approaching and you will see abd read about 1,000 articles on it. You'll smile,like, and even share some. Maybe mine wil be one of those ;) . This blogs more about what being a mom is to me and why I love it. It'll tell the fun and the not so fun! 

The night I saw those 2 beautiful pink lines pop up I didn't believe it. There was no way my body was growing another little person. I didn't believe it. I was amazed at the wonderful things the human body can do and go through. I was a complete wreck the first trimester. I worried till the day I was 13 weeks and finally relaxed! Little did I know my peace would only last a few weeks. But that's not my point of this blog. I vowed to enjoy every moment of my pregnancy and I did!!! Till the very last day. 

Being a mom means being a multitasker,superhero,nurse,teacher,cook,housekeeper,cleaners,therapist,doctor,taxi driver,pharmacist, and the list goes on and on. It means waking up and thinking of someone else before you think of your self. It means rushing to get to a cry in the middle of the night and thinking 6 hours sleep is a full night. It means mixing meds like a pharmacists at 7AM to get through the day. Or being lucky to make it to an appointment on time with a clean shirt. It means poop,pee,snot, and spit up are part of everyday life. You become a pro at cleaning up progectie vomit in the middle of target of if your me.. The middle of a high dollar bridal store (sorry Aunt Tana!). 

It also means smelling sweet baby cheeks as they rest on your chest. It means sweet squeals of laughter when you call that daddy's home. It means the best hugs and pats on the back. It means hearing sweet giggles escape the sweetest and pinkest lips ready to plant a kiss on her daddy. It means waiving arms in the air while grunting for you to pick her up. It means hearing her sweetly tell "mmaaammmaa" when she's ready for a "night night." 

I could spend all night telling you what it means for me but I was taught by the best! My mother is a great loving mom who gave motherhood her whole heart! I'm blessed to be a mom abd have such a wonderful example so to all of the moms out there... Happy Mothers Day! I hope you enjoy all the it means to be a mom!!!! 

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