Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Expiration Dates

I have to admit I've been a little "lazy" on my blogging. Lately I feel consumed with therapy, dr appointments, and play dates. 

Here's a little of what's going on in Tori's head (probably a scary place to be): 
1. We've been really busy and hard at work on teaching E to walk and feed herself. Both feel scary hard. I find myself constantly find myself afraid of numbers. It's amazing how most of the time age is only scary when your older but in Es case I've held onto numbers for so long. Thinking that each milestone has an expiration date by a certain age. Talking by one, walking by 2, feeding herself before two, holding her cup... The list goes on and on. But truth be told it's not up to me! I recently read an article that explained that a child will not walk before their brain is ready to but telling that to a worried mom is like saying "honey I lost my job but don't worry well find a new one."  It takes time to work through your own personal parenting issues, special needs or not. 
2. Comparing kids is for the birds. Elizabeth does things other kids do not and they do things that she does not do. I'm learning , as I read in another blog parenting is an awesome thing so do not like comparing ruin it for you! Theodore Roosevelt said "Comparasion is the theif of Joy." And that has never rand more true for me than today! 

Something new:
I've always been pretty controlling of Elizabeth's environment. My family has learned to deal and laugh about it. Recently at church I brave my doubting thoughts an let her explore the Sunday school class with our sweet church family. I was delighted to hear what's joy she was to everyone and not a imposition. I worry that because her milestones are delayed that the teacher would be too consumed with E to teach the class but thankfully everyone was so supportive! So yay mom for letting go and letting E play! 😊👍👏

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