A couple nights ago, after Elizabeth went to bed, Jay and I watched The Passion of the Christ. I was in awe of the things I had forgotten. The movie could in no way compare to the actual events.
From the time of Judas betrayal to the resurrection I sobbed. You know, not that cry you do in a romantic movie but the one where you have a sudden urge to fall to your knees and cry out to God for forgiveness that we in no way deserve. I had 3 MAIN thoughts throughout the movie.
1. Would I have been the crowd yelling crusify him or the woman sobbing, and screaming that it's wrong.
I would pray I would be that woman. The woman whose sobs escape her. The woman that begs for his release. In this day and age we can be very critical. If someone tells you they had a dream and God appeared we are the first to shoot it down as a "dream." We no longer believe that miracles like the blind having sight actually happen. Sure it's good in theory but when the last time you saw a church service or an individual pray without ceasing for a woman in a wheelchair. If she did walk we'd chalk it up to science or a coincidence. With that said if you were born in that time would you believe he was born of a virgin and a carpenters son would save the world? Keep in mind what royalty meant. We believe it now or most of us do. I would pray that our generation is slowly opening up our eyes at the mighty works of The Lord before we shut someone down with accusation. I obviously know that you must consider the situation. I'm not saying the drunk/drug man on the corner actually saw God appear to him and speak of world destruction, that's where common sense comes in.
2. While I was facing my death could I forgive and pray for their soul?
This is a hard one for me. I am, by all means, a person who gives you the benefit of the doubt. I'm the first to make an excuse for someone's ugly behavior. I know were human and we make mistakes. Even with that I couldn't imagine the pain and hurt he felt knowing he was dying for the VERY same people who hated him so! I could never imagine the amount of Hatrid those people had for an innocent man. What gets me is they let a proven murderer go to crusify a so called "blasphamist." While watching I ask Jay did he think these people were in hell he quickly reminded me that the very reason he was dying was for THEIR souls, the murders, mockers, and true blasphamist! That's a love that I'm not sure most people now days could comprehend much less give.
3.Mary. Oh Mary. Why? How did God know she could handle it? As a mother could I watch my daughter be beaten and crusified?
This one blows my mind!!! I, as a mother, can understand Mary's perspective better. As I watched the movie a scene flashed where Jesus fell with his cross and Mary remembered him falling on the steps as a child. In the scene it flashes between past and future. She does the exact thing in both instances. She drops what she has, runs to him, and says "I'm here." Those simple words! As a mother regardless of the age your children are still your children. You still see them as fragile, unsteady, weak children. Could I watch my child be condemned to their death? Innocent or not? Could I sacrifice my child for these people who hate him so much that their willing to beat and crusify him? Could I let him did for MY sins! The guilt alone would be more than I can imagine! Watching my child embrass their punishment for crimes of the very people condemning him... I can't imagine.
This Easter takes on a new meaning for me. I had not seen the movie in many years. I had forgotten exactly how cruel a punishment he was sentenced. We get in our daily habit and assume after a few years of living right we've in someway earned salvation and love. Truly we'll never earn it. It's not meant to be earned. But even if it was we couldn't.
I in no way claim to know it all nor be perfect. Honestly ,if I have to admit it, I know very little compared to most about the Bible but I do know that I am forever thankful and see my salvation as a gift not as an obligation for serving him!
This blog was a little more "devotional" than the usual. I hope you enjoyed! I pray you and your family have a blessed Easter!!! And don't forget WHY we celebrate this day!
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