Monday, May 26, 2014

Healthy and Confident

When you become a mom things change. Your clothes don't fit, you gain weight in all the wrong places, your hormones are everywhere, your time isn't yours, and your always tired. Sometimes you may even feel like your house is run by toddler minions. 
As a mom I realize we all have new insecurities that seem to make their way to the surface after we experience the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth. But do we let them define us? Do we point out or criticize other people to make our self feel better about us? Me? No not at all. I am lucky enough that I realized to OWN them. No I'm not the super model mom but I'm beautiful in my own way. I am not saying that a plus size woman should wear juniors clothes but I am saying that confidence does some amazing things. A lot of times people are beautiful BECAUSE of their confidence. If you ask anyone they all have insecurities(yes, even that mom with the six pack abs in the Tori Burch bikini.) the difference in me and her? I may be lacking an ab or two ;) but I am confident in my skin. 

A great friend once called me out on a shallow comment and I will never complain about my size  8 (yes I just admitted my size on social media.. Gasp everywhere :0... Yeah I just did that!) self again! She made the valid point that my size 8 has created and carried a beautiful little girl and has the "wear and tear" for a beautiful family that my size 2 did not. And I wouldn't trade my "size 8 self" for my "size 2 self." 

So it got me to thinking... I will make it a priority that Elizabeth feels beautiful no matter the size of her waist nor the amount of "wear and tear". Healthy and Beautiful! 

So girls with that said:
OWN it girls!!! You were perfectly designed by our father! Keep yourselves healthy and confident girls!!! 

Psalms 139:13-14
You made all the delicate , inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is MARVALOUS-how well I know it.

Just for fun I'll share some of my "confident" self and our minivacay this weekend!

Yes girls my stretch marks and mommy belly made an appearance and no one ask me to cover it up!!! Worst part was my whiteness prolly blinded a few people!

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