Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Growth... It's a funny thing

I'm ashamed to say even though I was optimistic, encouraged, strong, and ready to concour Elizabeth's diagnosis I still thought twice about posting "these" kinds of photos. I would take pictures till "you couldn't notice." In my head I thought if she kept her tongue in her mouth or didn't do funny eyes no one would notice. It's funny because I am , and always have been,very much an open advocate for my daughter and downs. I enthusiastically educate and promote Awerness. I encourage "strange" questions. 

But growth is a funny thing. A lot of growth has came from the therapy of this blog. I'm proud to say pictures such as these are now my most treasured. I know , Shame on me, but I encourage criticism. Especially from myself. I am proud to say that growth comes, most of the time a little bit slow but sometimes it sneaks up on you. Either way don't be hard on yourself you will grow, mature,and  move on. Unfortunately, I am certain you do it your whole life so enjoy growing and changing! Just make sure it's for the better! 

Some quick pictures of our ice storm:
      Patiently watching daddy

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