Monday, November 18, 2013


Everyday Elizabeth and I practice eating, OT, and of course PT. There are many days her nor I feel like it. There are days she astounds me and days I grief for my daughters struggle. There are days where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today.... Oh today I'm seeing that light!

As many of you who read my blog know that Elizabeth did not eat by mouth. For quite sometime she screamed in anger if you put a bottle in her mouth. She had a meltdown over a spoon. She had no idea what to do. She would sit there with her mouth open and food slowly falling out. She had no idea how to swallow much less manipulate food. She certainly had no interest. 

Today big girl ate SO well!!!! I am so proud she moved the food around and swallowed it ALL without pushing it out at her 1:00 and 5:00 feed!!! The picture below is from her 5:00 feed!
There are some things that brighten a mommy's heart and this definetly did. I am so thankful for our wonderful Speech Therapist that has worked so wholeheartedly with out sweet girl. I feel like we're right there and I see the light. I thank God so much for the progress. I just know in a few years Elizabeth will be saying "bye bye" to the tube herself. I thank God for these moments and the glimpse of the light. God has always been good to our family and will continue to be. 

Little extra... She so sweetly cuddle with her daddy and went into a peaceful night night without one moan! 

(Beef jerkey)
(At Maccoroni Grill playing with the paper table cloth) 

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