Sunday, September 8, 2013


Elizabeth is doing fantastic! She is learning so many new things! It is bittersweet for me.

She has recently started working her belly muscles SO much. It amazes me. Our friend Kristen came to visit us Saturday. She is a magical mommy too! Elizabeth showed out so well! I was so proud! She laid on her belly with her arms under her and picked up head up. She would pick her head up so high he legs would come of the ground. It reminded me of a penguin sliding on their belly. All that balanced her was her belly. I was so proud! I was beaming! She is also bearing weight on her arms. She will sit on our lap and hold herself up with her arms! I couldn't be prouder!

Jay bought E a balloon that says Get Well. She LOvES it! She will reach both arms out and grab it. It is bigger than her whole body so she doesn't know what to do with it once she get it.

I am slowly reminded God has a plan for my little girl. He has her path and she's quickly following it! 

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