2 years ago I would chalk these meetings up to a freak thing. Now... Now I know. I have questioned many times the why's. but tonight... Tonight I know.
I was changing my clothes from the washer to the dryer at the hospital "laundry mat." Another family walked in and I was folding an unknown patients laundry that I had taken out to make room from mine. The mother mentioned in passing conversation that in her 9 weeks here she often fought to wash laundry. In order to pass the time I asked why she was here. She responded so matter of fact that it almost knocked me to my knees. Her four year old has cancer and they would be leaving soon for Birmingham for bone marrow transplants. I was stunned. I saw the panic in the mothers eyes. She was terrified to leave all she's known. I know Birmingham isn't a scary place to some but when your taking a terminally ill child it's terrifying. She went on to mention she had four other children. I was able to explain to the mother ways that they could receive accommodations long term that where free for the families.
In that moment I was able to tell the mother all the wonderful things I encountered. I was able to relieve that mother of some fear. I was put in Birmingham for SO many divine appointments. Elizabeth was called for such a time as this! We made SO many friends that soon became family, I pray that she was encouraged. I pray I lightened her fears. And most of all I pray for a divine healing for Luke!
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