Monday, September 23, 2013

Days of defeat

Everyday I wake up to a bright eyed smile. She's always giggling and ready for her day. On some days I want to pinch myself when it's 8 o'clock and I'm the one waking HER up! 

As great as my days start there is still those days I feel defeat. Today we went to Speech Therapy with Lori (who is unbelievably good). Unlike usual Elizabeth was in a fantastic mood! She played with Lori for an hour! For moms who have children in therapy they know that's pretty good! As good as therapy was I had to shake a feeling of defeat off. Some days, at no fault of any of the therapist, I can't help but come to the realization at how delayed she is. Especially with eating. She will be 1 on November 1st and still doesn't eat by mouth nor can she sit up unsupported (although she is SO very close). She has only said "mama" once. Although she has lately tried to mimic us. 

But the up side is that I have a great support group, like Kristen and my husband, who remind me that it's about progress not how delayed she is. Progress is what counts! I thank God for those friends and family members that pick me up and reassure me that I'm doing what a good mommy should do by pushing Elizabeth and motivating her for that progress! There are so many days where I'd love to cancel therapy, lay in bed, wrap my arms around E, and fight anyone who tells me she's anything less than perfection. In reality I cannot do that. I can only push her for progress! I want Elizabeth to be the best she can be and it will never be said I didn't support and motivate her!

Aunt Randon "motivating"!

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