Whoever enjoys the extra hour of sleep is clearly not a parent. They've never struggled through a night of a restless toddler or your 4 year old playing with her Minnie at 4 AM with a hacking cough and a nose that's a snot factory.
Today I have been on the struggle train. I can't keep the sink clear of dishes, the washer unloaded, or clothes folded. If I do, I turn around to pouring noses and dirty diapers.
I am not the only one on the struggle train. My newsfeed has been filled with moms with #momlife of statuses wishing for sleep.
As a young married couple, we thought an hour extra of sleep meant that we got to stay up an hour later and go to the movies on a work night! Gasp! Now, it means the kids are up an hour earlier but not in bed any sooner than before.
My life would be complete if a scientist or elite college could run a clinical study on toddlers and how time change affects their sleeping patterns. I would also love to know the percent of children that are sick on these days as well. Until then my sink will overflow and my washer will never stop!
To all the moms out there! My the odds of sleep ever be in your favor!
4 cups of coffee and a destroyed living room later, Victoria Brockway
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